You still have a chance! If you missed our adorable Hanukkah workshop at RAZ Studio, the 1st candle lighting, come to our 1-hr Hanukkah Workshops at the last candle lighting.
As participants' creations came to life, so did their smiles.

The giggles from young and old rubbed off on each other while they built, painted, and colored.
Smiles were the first lights of Hanukkah at RAZ Miracles, Magic & Joy Art Workshop.

After the workshop, the first candle lighting of the Chanukiah was celebrated with singing and yummy donuts.
The Shimmering Lights Painting project will be available to do at the Holiday Bazaar. Be sure to register ahead. Click the button below.

RAZ is a vendor at the Holiday Bazaar & Hanukkah Candle Lighting event at ICA. This Sunday, 4:00-7 PM enjoy many vendors from our neighbors with food, art & music. Bring your kids & friends! RAZ Chanukah Art Workshop activities at the International Children’s Academy Holiday Bazaar event.
Sunday, Dec 5th, 4:00-7:00 P.M. -- RAZ Art Workshop
RAZ Hanukkah Workshop at ICA Bazar, “Last Night of Candle Lighting”
Location: ICA, International Children’s Academy
1046 S. Robertson Blvd (across from the RAZ Studio)
The two projects RAZ will provide at this event are below. You can do one or both projects. Be sure to register online in advance to reserve your spot and supplies by clicking the project link here:
1) Click Project A - Arctic Animal or Character: Designing a collage with fabrics and leather.
2) Click Project B - Shimmering Winter Lights: Dimensional painting with acrylics and glitter on black or white canvas
In addition to our fun art projects, enjoy various vendors from the neighborhood and community. There will be a food truck and the last, 8th Candle Lighting with songs and donuts.